Mittwoch, 5. August 2009

Deep implications of information theory

Paradigm shifts occurs only if enough people accept a new idea.
To accept a new world-view we need to integrate the insight of this in our way of thinking and act.

The implication of information theory are very vast and deep.
Information theory consider that everything is made of information. Even if not all scientist agree that for example energy by itself is information too, there are many evidences that energy is communicated and the communication follows the laws of linguistic.

What does it mean for everyone who accept this world view?
It means that we need to switch our materialistic world view to a world made of immaterial things, information, language, spirit.

A world that at his inner core is pure spirit would implicate that every thought has it's consequences and that we have a great responsibility to each other. The collective mind is not a playground for the irresponsible propaganda agents.

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